CoverMarch2005 thmbblk
To All My Family - To All Indians In The Americas
And the Future Generations
Who will eventually recognize, appreciate,
And take pride in the human values represented in this book

by William Marder

As awesome as the ocean seems
It is a tiny manifestation of the world we live in
There are oceans in us all
And much more you see
Because a part of our past is inside you and me
We are connected to our
Mother Earth and supplied with a power
To create our own dreams
Each and every hour
As we align ourselves with our source of
Beauty, Love, and Grace
We discover the sameness on each and every face
We see it in the birds as They soar high over the land
We see it in the waves as they pound against the sand
We see it in the early morning dew that
Forms on the blades of grass
We see it in the beauty of a sunset as
Another day comes to pass. Then when a new day dawns
We discover all this has a connection
Just as we are joined to our brothers, sisters and family
We discover the awesome spiritual presence within and begin to realize
We are joined together with our environment
and all in this worldly connection.

Native American Indian Beliefs & Accomplishments.

Estelle (Lil Dove) and Bill
Marder (Silver Wolf) were made members
of the White Buffalo Society Inc